Tuesday, September 7, 2010

We are enjoying some changes here at the Crowe Homeschool this year. We are loving Horizons Math for the younger two children, Life of Fred for my 6th grader, and All About Spelling for the younger two, as well. I have already seen improvement in the way my third-grader thinks about breaking down words to spell them, instead of guessing. This phonics-based, Orton-Gillingham approach is just what we needed and prayed for. My struggling speller knew she was missing something, and her self-esteem suffered as a result. Stay-tuned as we progress through the levels of All About Spelling! Check out the icon to the left to learn more about our new spelling program!

Saturday, September 4, 2010

Talitha, cum.

Another homeschool adventure begins, as we enter our third week of schooling here at the Crowe's nest. As I reflect on the past year and continue planning for the one at hand, I have an overwhelming sense of gratitude. I am so thankful to a loving Father who set us on a path we said we'd never follow. I chuckle inside as I think of the angst I felt at the beginning of our journey....I worried and wondered so much about the thoughts of family members and friends over our homeschool decision. My precious Lord, in His sweetness and overwhelming grace, has shown all of us in the family so clearly the benefits of obedience in regards to the home education of our children. Even some of the nay-sayers, and some of the silent-but-unsure have seen in our children the fruit of our efforts and God's blessing. Although there are still moments of frustration and challenge, I can't imagine living any other way.
I had time to pause this summer (briefly!) and remember the earliest beginnings of my conversations with God about guidance for my children and direction for our family. One of the first things the Lord did for me was, again, so sweet, so personal, and so clear. The clarity was such a gift, as most Christians know. We often think we're hearing from the Lord, hope that we are...but in this instance, I KNEW that He was whispering directly to my heart. It was early morning. My alarm clock had sounded its ugly sound, and I really did not want to get up! I pushed the snooze bar, knowing that I had very few, precious minutes to awaken my children, help them dress, feed them, encourage them for the approaching day at school (they were in public school at the time). I was feeling battle-worn, as our family had been dealing with many hard-hitting trials. On this particular morning, I didn't think I could face the day, and didn't want to. And then, so graciously, so calmly, I was given my marching orders. I heard the Lord say, "Talitha cum," (Little girl, I say to you, "arise.") How kind of Him, how gentle! He could have been much more harsh-"Get out of bed, lazy!" "You have children who need you, and much to do, you sinner!" But instead, that firm nudge in Aramaic, the syllables of which were lodged in my memory banks, but hadn't been spoken or read by me in several months. Yes, even through my groggy stupor, I remembered the little girl, arisen from the dead by a caring, present, Jesus. I was comforted, surprised, and challenged, because I knew then, as I do now, that I have more "arising" to do...not just promptly and cheerfully out of bed each morning, but in every aspect of my life. Homeschooling is a big part of my arising as a wife, mother, and daughter of the King. I have a long way to go, and He has brought me so far, already. Mark 5:41

Monday, March 22, 2010

Presidents' Day: Milk cartons covered with pretzels and chocolate icing, with a Rolo for the chimney=Lincoln's Cabin

Norwegian Coffee Cake. We all decided this was really yummy, especially after everyone realized the recipe didn't include coffee!!

Corn husk doll from our study of the U.S.A.

Nate Saint's yellow airplanes encircle the globe! We REALLY loved the Nate Saint biography!

The papier-mache globe...I love it!! It has a prominent place in our school room, and makes us so happy. (Even though we bump our heads on it all the time!)
Navajo sand art-we found patterns online, and added glue and colored sand. The kids really loved this one!

Place value with straws...counting our days of school! A good use for this $1.00 pocket chart from Target.

Canadian Flag handprints!

John 3:16 poster

We've enjoyed our year so much (so far) with Exploring Countries and Cultures in My Father's World. I thought I'd share some photos of some of the great activities in the curriculum.

Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Enjoying My Father's World Curriculum

We are praising God today for our "My Father's World" curriculum. I have been so pleasantly surprised by my children's love for the missionary biographies, which we read-aloud. We are reading about David Livingstone now, and they beg me not to stop! Check out the link below to the My Father's World site.

Friday, March 12, 2010

Spring is in the air!

The weather is changing, and I'm asking God for a fresh breath of His spirit, and a new burst of energy for homeschooling, ministering to the children at church, and walking alongside my mom as we watch my dad's decline. I was blessed this morning by the beautiful graphics and encouraging ideas from the blog, "Confessions of a Homeschooler." See the link below-I think you'll love it, too!

Tuesday, February 9, 2010


So, I am beginning yet another new venture with this blog! Since the New Year's start, I have begun our second semester of homeschooling, watched as my aging father's dementia has taken his mind hostage, and navigated the deep waters of nurturing the faith of other people's children. My days are mixed with the dread of the anticipation of my father's continued decline, the mirrored excitement of my kindergarten son's discovery of reading, and the sweet reduction of my intellect to the mundane cutting and gluing of elementary craft projects. This convoluted stew has cooked up to be some of God's greatest grace....I can't wait to tell you more.